So I'm extremely fortunate enough to have two rooms in my home to work from (destroy with fabrics and pins and pattern paper) and I've decided that I needed to really straighten out my sewing room like it was a DISASTER! Wish I had a before picture, actually I don't you guys may have been disgusted with my messy work habits. Really though I was stressed everytime I walked in and I haven't been able to do much work because of it. I felt so creative before I entered the room and then when i saw the pile of fabric scraps, paper and fallen pins I had swept into the corner day on end, my creativity hit the messy heep. So I decided I had to do something about it.
Cleaned up and re-organized, not that it matters because knowing me it'll go back to square one in a day and a half. But as i cleaned and got rid of old fabric, patterns and sketches, I realized how much i've grown or evolved as a designer and as a person.
Of course when taking on a cleaning task it gets worse before it gets better, and boy did it get bad, I was about to give up, luckily it was the coolest room in my house otherwise I would have went cold turkey on this project (no pun intended, lol well just a little.)
While cleaning my little sewing space I started pulling some of my favorite pieces and hanging them across the room (call it a temporary case of insanity) before knew it I had 30 garments on my walls. Than I zoned back into reality, calmed down and really thought about how irrational I was being. So here are the result of my organization and low temperment.
By the way I'm really going to have to start writting about fashion soon lol.
Cleaned up and re-organized, not that it matters because knowing me it'll go back to square one in a day and a half. But as i cleaned and got rid of old fabric, patterns and sketches, I realized how much i've grown or evolved as a designer and as a person.
Of course when taking on a cleaning task it gets worse before it gets better, and boy did it get bad, I was about to give up, luckily it was the coolest room in my house otherwise I would have went cold turkey on this project (no pun intended, lol well just a little.)
While cleaning my little sewing space I started pulling some of my favorite pieces and hanging them across the room (call it a temporary case of insanity) before knew it I had 30 garments on my walls. Than I zoned back into reality, calmed down and really thought about how irrational I was being. So here are the result of my organization and low temperment.
By the way I'm really going to have to start writting about fashion soon lol.
Pics of my organization well done!